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BestWay H20 Go Hexagon Family Pool

Over the Memorial Day weekend we purchased this Bestway Hexagon Family Pool from Costo. It goes for $75 on Ebay but at Costco was only $29.99. I actually purchased one and filled it up with an air compressor but the top compartment (#3) wouldn't hold air so I took it back and exchanged it.

After the exchange we have been using it without issue and it seems to be holding up well. I will point out that you MUST have an air compressor to fil this thing, otherwise I can't see any reasonable way of getting air in.

Check out our video review


Overall: a nice family pool for kids, mine are 10, 4, and 2 so the younger ones really enjoy it, but the 10 year got bored quickly.

Pros: easy fill up with air compressor (takes about 20 minutes to fill up completely), large size with seats.

Cons: susceptible to leaks out of the box, don't pay more than $30 for this. Does not fit back in box when deflated.

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