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Average Joe Review of iPhone 7 Plus

Apple iPhone 7 Plus

I received both the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus on the day they came out back in September 2016. I used the smaller one for a bit then gave that to my wife. This review will specifically focus on the iPhone 7 Plus (matte black).

Plain Jane black doesn't matter to me as most phone colors don't given we usually put them in a case (unlike my wife who likes to "test out" the screens durability, but that is a review for another day). First comparing the two phones, it is clear the iPhone 7 Plus has a superior camera. Photos are more crisp, detailed and vivid. That isn't to say the smaller iPhone doesn't shoot a great photo, but compared to the dual lens iPhone 7 Plus, there is little comparison.

Second the battery life seems to be generally stale on both phones, meaning with daily use, you will have to charge once for a bit to keep going, especially if you are streaming anything.

Third the durability is great and it withstands liquids just fine (ask my 2 year old!). Simple drops (in a case) do little to no damage, but without a case beware.

Fourth the home button is a bit finicky. Using the fingerprint button works most of the time, it is the times it doesn't that is frustrating (like when you are in line at a coffee shop with eager beavers behind you breathing on your neck and all you want to do is "open" apple pay - yikes!).

Overall: given this is a quick, succinct review and most know the drawbacks and benefits to an iPhone, we rate it a 9/10. The model tested had 128gb of storage so we never encountered any issues with previous versions regarding storage and photos, etc.

Pros: fluid UI and simple to use with a vivid screen. Excellent picture quality and very durable.

Cons: battery life and cost ($900+ for the iPhone 7 Plus 128gb).

Bodyguardz - Pure 2 Screen Protector For Apple Iphone 7

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